Meditation Classes

Meditation is the practice of focusing so intently that we become one with the object of our focus. This practice calms the mind, helps stabilize our emotions, and helps strengthen our ability to observe our mind without becoming entangled in our thoughts. Meditation can be passive or active.

Passive meditation is often done sitting in stillness and simply focusing on the breath and observing the thoughts. One can also use an object, such as a candle, or a mantra to focus ones thoughts.

Active meditation occurs when one becomes so engaged in an activity that they reach a state of ‘being’ as opposed to thinking or doing. An example of active meditation would be yoga or reaching ‘the zone’ in a sporting activity.



  • Inhale into chest slowly, gently, & deeply through both nostrils, pulling the abdomen in slightly.  Exhale slowly & gently through both nostrils.  5 times
  • Inhale into chest slowly, gently, & deeply through both nostrils, pulling abdomen in slightly.  Exhale slowly & gently through a partially-open mouth. 5 times
  • Inhale into stomach slowly, gently, & deeply through the mouth with slightly extended lips, letting the abdomen push out.  Exhale slowly and gently through both nostrils, pulling abdomen in slightly.  5 times
  • Closing right nostril with thumb of right hand, inhale into chest through the left nostril, pulling abdomen in slightly.  Lift the thumb, close the left nostril with ring finger and exhale slowly and gently through right nostril.  5 times
  • Closing left nostril with ring finger of right hand, inhale into chest through the right nostril, pulling abdomen in slightly.  Lift the ring finger and close the right nostril with the thumb, exhale slowly and gently through left nostril.  5 times
  • Exhale slowly and gently through both nostrils, completely emptying lungs, abdomen sucks in.  Inhale as a natural reflex through both nostrils, not a deep breath as abdomen is released.  5 times
  • Inhale into stomach slowly, gently, & deeply through mouth with slightly extended lips, letting abdomen push out.  Exhale slowly and gently through mouth, pulling abdomen in slightly.  5 times
  • Inhale deeply into chest in five slow sips, pulling abdomen in slightly.  Exhale slowly and gently through mouth.  5 times



Inhale – Koham (Who am I)

Retention – Soham (I am that)

Exhale – Noham (I am not this)

Contact me today for private and group meditation classes!

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